Timmy & Sarah Holah

West Campus Pastors

I was born and raised in Exeter, England. At the age of 24, I gave my life to Jesus in Kansas City, America after He spoke to me in a dream. A few years later I moved to Sydney, Australia and completed my Bachelor of Ministry at Alphacrucis College while serving in a multi-cultural church. It was there that I met Sarah, my now lovely wife! We went on to serve together as youth pastors in Melbourne in a predominantly Chinese Malaysian community. Sarah had spent time serving in Mozambique on and off since the age of 14, so it was no surprise that we ended up moving there together as missionaries to live among the Koti people. Our two daughters, Grace and Abby Rose were partially raised there, and our third daughter Sophia was born in Christchurch after returning from the mission field.

I stepped into the role of Operations Manager at Beach Campus and the role of Missions Pastor, which I currently hold. However, recently, I moved from Beach Campus to become the West Campus Pastor. As a family, we have a big heart for missions and cultures of the world. Our family’s mission statement could be summed up as “Love God, love people!”